The Steady Elevation process is focused on the core energy behind the issues to increase fulfillment, creativity, and solutions. The purpose of each session is to:
  • up-level the consciousness, no more floating day-to-day with minimal intention
  • reaching an empowered and confident energy
  • shrinking the time in stress
  • getting comfortable (and uncomfortable) with change
  • have realistic and accountable improvements

I am in service to individuals or businesses who are unraveling any type of changes, realigning with their values, and/or want inner peace with outer success.

Coaching + Consulting

Is The Steady Elevation right for me?

If you are an individual, leader, or entire organization who is ready to leverage a healthy mindset and increase your success...  
...the answer is YES!

What Clients are Saying 

Stephanie has an innate ability to always make me feel incredibly comfortable which, in turn, allows me to share freely and confidently. She asks questions in a very sincere and genuine manner and does an incredible job of normalizing my thoughts and feelings around situations I’m facing.

She is unbelievably authentic which makes connecting with and trusting her very natural and easy, and she challenges me to think differently which has afforded me some invaluable shifts in mindset. With Stephanie as your coach, you are bound to be positively impacted in ways you can’t yet even begin to imagine.


Stephanie has been the catalyst in helping me improve many aspects of my life. She has shifted the way I think about all of the ups and the downs of my life, truly. She is a positive person to her core. If I am being honest here, I don’t always jive with these types of people but Stephanie has a very unique way of giving and making space for you to be your true self, getting to know and understand your values and has an uncanny way of just elevating it. Elevating your thoughts, your internal and external reactions to interactions and occurrences. She is a safe space to be your true self and if given the opportunity, she will teach you how to make the changes necessary to be proud of yourself. Proud of the way to talk to yourself, proud of your new view on life, proud of the positive changes you are making, seeing and feeling. Stephanie approaches her conversations around accountability in a way that makes you want to be accountable. It’s one thing to go through the motions of working with Stephanie and getting some incredibly solid life coaching, but entirely another to have her teaching become part of your internal monologue. The time I have spent with Stephanie these past few months have been and will continue to be instrumental in where it is I am heading.


I have worked with Stephanie for the last year as I made one of the biggest transitions of my life. Each time she coached me, she helped me come back to the present moment to focus on my journey instead of replaying the past or sweating the future. She gave me the space to sort it out, encouraging me not to take myself so seriously, and supporting me the whole way. I could not have gotten where I am now without her.

Also, she introduced me to the concept of Crumbl Cookie and humored me when I had to Zoom from my car. I learned from her that a Roomba can affect a wifi connection, and that being anxious about being paired with someone you've never met in real life is wasted energy, because Stephanie is a-MAZ-ing!


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